
Did You Know?
As a residential customer, approximately only 16% of your hydro payment goes to Hydro Hawkesbury Inc.
Did You Know?
As a residential customer, approximately only 16% of your hydro payment goes to Hydro Hawkesbury Inc.
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“Time of Use” Rates

Ontario’s electricity market is changing. All homes and small businesses across Ontario will be billed for electricity using Time-of-Use rates. With this new rate structure, the price of electricity varies depending on when it is used. There are three different rate periods:

  • On-peak (when demand for electricity is highest);
  • Mid-peak (when demand for electricity is moderate); and
  • Off-peak (when demand for electricity is lowest).

As of November 1st, 2023 the Ultra Low Overnight  (ULO) price plan comes into force. 

See below for more details and the prices associated with each period.

T.O.U. Prices as of Nov 1st, 2023
8.7 ¢/kWh
12.2 ¢/kWh
18.2 ¢/kWh

Ultra Low Overnight  (ULO) as of NOV 1, 2023

 ULO -Ultra Low over Night                           Everyday 11 p.m.- 7 a.m. 2.8 ¢/kWh
ULO Weekend and Holidays Off-Peak        7 a.m.- 11 p.m.  8.7 ¢/kWh
 ULO Mid-Peak                                                Weekdays 7 a.m- 4 p.m. and 9 p.m.- 11 p.m. 12.2 ¢/kWh
 ULO On-Peak                                                 Weekdays 4 p.m. – 9 p.m.  28.6 ¢/kWh


Prices for the Regulated Price Plan (RPP & T.O.U.)

Consumers who purchase electricity from their local utility are charged the following rates for electricity consumption. These rates are set by the Ontario Energy Board as part of the Regulated Price Plan and the Ultra Low Overnight  (ULO) price plan . If you purchase electricity from an electricity retailer, the prices you pay will be different and will be stated in the contract you signed.

Smart Meters and Time-of-Use rates are an initiative of the provincial government to promote conservation and reduce peak demand for electricity.

Peak demand happens when we all use electricity at the same time. Unlike most commodities, electricity cannot be stored and must be generated in real time to meet Ontario’s needs.

Reducing peak demand is good for the environment because the power plants used to meet peak demand are usually fossil-fuel generating stations. Using them less will mean less greenhouse gases and in the long run, it will also save money. It’s expensive to build and maintain power plants that only operate during peak periods.



Dear Customer,


Here’s the link for the new Hydro Hawkesbury Inc. portal :


You must create a new username and password to access the new portal and begin exploring the newest tools and features.


IMPORTANT! Links to the previous portal will no longer be valid and you will be unable to login. Once you've created a new username and password, your consumption and billing data will be available for viewing/accessing in the updated My Account online portal.

 Have questions and want to talk to us?
Contact Customer Service at or 613-632-6689 to verify these instructions, or if you need assistance with creating a new username or creating your password. We can be reached during regular business hours - Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Thank you,
Hydro Hawkesbury Inc.