Did You Know?
As a residential customer, approximately only 16% of your hydro payment goes to Hydro Hawkesbury Inc.
Did You Know?
As a residential customer, approximately only 16% of your hydro payment goes to Hydro Hawkesbury Inc.
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Energy Conservation Programs

Take advantage of a wide range of opportunities that will help you understand and manage the amount of energy you use.

Hydro Hawkesbury is committed to helping you manage and reduce your electricity usage. The efficient use of electricity will not only save you money, it will also help to protect the environment.

Visit Saveonenergy.ca to learn more about the new programs.

For more information or to speak to a representative contact GreenSaver at 1-877-444-2565.


Hydro Hawkesbury has enlisted the services of GreenSaver, a not-for-profit energy conservation firm specializing in conservation program delivery, to help customers make the most of the saveONenergy incentives programs available to them.  GreenSaver will provide program expertise and application support to help customers navigate the programs with ease.

To learn more, or to begin an application for any of the conservation programs offered by Hydro Hawkesbury call 1-877-444-2565, email hydrohawkesbury@greensaver.org or visit our website http://www.greensaver.org.

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