Payment Options

How to Pay Your Bill

Hydro Hawkesbury Inc. offers many convenient methods of payment. To avoid interest charges, please ensure you allow sufficient time for the payment to reach us by the due date. This time may vary depending on how you pay your bill.

Pre-authorized Payment

Once you have enrolled, your payment will be automatically deducted from your bank account. You will continue to receive a bill detailing your account charges and the “Amount Due” will be automatically withdrawn on the “Due Date.”

  • Standard Billing

Your bill is based on the actual amount of electricity you use during a given billing period.

  • Budget Billing

With this plan, you can average out your electricity payments over a longer period of time. You will receive a bill; however, your bank account will be debited on the 1st, 16th OR the 20th of each month depending on your preference. Your monthly budget amount will be based on your projected annual electricity use and the price of electricity.

Enrol in Pre-Authorized

pdfTo access our enrolment form, and upon completion, forward it to us along with a VOID cheque to:

Hydro Hawkesbury Inc.
850 Tupper St.
Hawkesbury ON K6A 3S7

Telephone or Internet payment.

You may pay your bill through a bank, trust company, or financial institution using the Internet or by telephone.

Payment by mail

Forward your payment by cheque or money order to:

Hydro Hawkesbury Inc.
850 Tupper St.
Hawkesbury ON K6A 3S7

Do not send cash through the mail. Also, always make sure that your remittance stub (the top part of your bill) is enclosed with your payment and that all 10-digits of your account number are written on the front of your cheque or money order.

Payment at a financial institution

Hydro Hawkesbury Inc. has arranged, with most major financial institutions, to accept payment at their local branch offices. You will need the remittance stub of your Hydro Hawkesbury bill to pay this way.

Payment at Hydro Hawkesbury's office

Our customer service representatives will accept payments by cheque, money order, debit card or cash. You may also deposit your cheque or money order along with the remittance stub, in the drop box located outside the front door at our Tupper St. office.

Credit card payments (Master Card and Visa)

This payment option is available through our E-Billing service or by telephone. A convenience fee of 2.5% will be charged per transaction. Your payment will be received and posted to your account on the next business day.

Customer satisfaction survey



Click here to complete our  ONLINE SURVEY    and enter in our draw to win  1 grand prize of $100 credit to be applied on your electricity bill.  The $100 prize will be drawn between the customers who did participate in the survey.  Survey end date is August 31/2025.  The draw will be September 15, 2025.

You must have an active account with Hydro Hawkesbury to be eligible for the draw.